A Lally — St. Angela Merici

Mrs. Amy Lally

mrslally@samschool.net ~ (440) 333-2126


What do you love about SAM

I love working with outstanding educators who truly care about their students and coworkers.

At SAM I am the adviser for GCCTM (Greater Cleveland Council of Teachers of Mathematics) and Shark Tank. I also lead our Living Stations.








About Me

Hi, my name is Mrs. Amy Lally and I am a 6th grade homeroom teacher here at St. Angela Merici Parish School.

I grew up in Lakeland, FL and Strongsville, Ohio. I attended Forest Heights Private School, Zeller’s and Allen Elementary and Center Junior High. For high school I went to Strongsville High School.

I have 3 siblings and 5 children.

I teach 6-8th grade math. I began teaching in 2005 and I started teaching at St. Angela’s in 2007. 

My Education

I attended Baldwin Wallace College and earned my degree in K-8 Education and my Master’s of Education (specialization in Math) degree is from Kent State University.

My Favorites

Food: Scallops            Movie: My Sister’s Keeper        Book: How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days            Subject: Math            Season: Summer            Hobby: Traveling & reading a good book Sports Team: All Cleveland teams & Carolina Panthers Flower: Roses Dessert: Peanut butter & ice cream Saint: St. Patrick