Social Justice Committee Lenten Soup Supper
Join us for this FREE Lenten Soup Supper including a delicious array of homemade soups, endless salad and homemade bread. And for dessert, a talk by Father Don Dunson, "A JOURNEY OF FAITH".
Register today to reserve your seat.
Who is Moriah House?
The Moriah House Family Shelter accepts female veterans and families who are experiencing homelessness or have resided in substandard living conditions.
These families are challenged with issues of economic hardship, physical and emotional trauma, chemical dependency, mental illness, physical illness, lack of education, or lack of employment. All residents meet Ohio’s guidelines for extremely low- or low-income levels with over 90% in the extremely low-income category.
Moriah House provides a full range of transitional services that assist residents in moving from homelessness to stable housing and employment.
Get more information at
“The development of peoples depends, above all, on a recognition that the human race is a single family. ”
Our Mission: Rooted in Catholic social teaching and impelled by love, the Social Justice Commission of St. Angela Merici seeks to promote justice as the way to peace, uphold the dignity of every person, and foster solidarity and respect for the poor in our community and the world. We hope to achieve this through prayer, reflection, education, advocacy, and action on various social justice issues.
Our Meetings:
The Social Justice Commission holds regularly scheduled meetings on the third Monday of the month.
All meetings are scheduled at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center West room.
All those who are interested in becoming more involved in furthering the mission of Christ to build up a just and humane world are welcome to attend.
In the past, the Social Justice Commission of St. Angela Merici held four general body meetings per year, discussing literature on relevant social justice topics at book/article club meetings, and works on various service projects throughout the year. The Commission also collaborates with other groups within the parish and with the Social Concerns group of our parish cluster partner, St. Christopher Parish. We are always looking for new ideas, and new hands and new hearts to accomplish our mission.
To get involved with SJC, contact Fr. Dunson in the Parish Center at or (440) 333-2133.
“In today’s world, the sense of belonging to a single human family is fading, and the dream of working together for justice and peace seems an outdated utopia. What reigns instead is a cool, comfortable and globalized indifference, born of deep disillusionment concealed behind a deceptive illusion: thinking that we are all-powerful, while failing to realize that we are all in the same boat.”
Opportunity to provide a meal for The Moriah House at West Side Catholic Center
Provide weekend meal either breakfast, lunch or dinner for 30 women and children. Prepare a complete meal as a family project or with your friends and deliver to the House at least 15 minutes before meal time.
If you are interested in helping to provide a meal for Moriah House, please contact Fr. Dunson at (440) 333-2133 or so we can coordinate a St. Angela effort.
Here’s the recurring meals we currently have open:
1st Saturday Dinner 1st Sunday Breakfast 2nd Saturday Breakfast 2nd Sunday Breakfast 3rd Saturday Dinner 3rd Sunday Breakfast 4th Saturday Dinner 4th Sunday Breakfast
Read below for more information about The Moriah House.
The Moriah House Family Shelter accepts female veterans and families who are homeless or have resided in substandard living conditions.
These families are challenged with issues of economic hardship, physical and emotional trauma, chemical dependency, mental illness, physical illness, lack of education, or lack of employment. All residents meet Ohio’s guidelines for extremely low or low income levels with over 90% in the extremely low-income category.
Moriah House provides a full range of transitional services that assist residents in moving from homelessness to stable housing and employment through a variety of basic programs.
Past Activities
““It has always been our desire to reach out to the marginalized so as to extend God’s love, hope and mercy to them. The Social Justice Committee of SAM enables us to do this with joy and gratitude!””
FIAT (Faith in Action Together) advent weekend of service
Latin for Mary's "yes" to God, FIAT at St. Angela Merici stands for “Faith in Action Together.” FIAT is our parish’s way of saying "yes" to God's call to serve those in need. This annual weekend of service brings together hundreds of SAM parishioners serving the community in numerous ways during the first weekend of December. Opportunities to reach out to those in need are offered throughout Cleveland, Fairview Park, and right at St. Angela. FIAT serves about 20 agencies including kids in foster care, nursing home residents, homeless families, low income men struggling with healthcare, survivors of domestic abuse, refugees, pediatric patients and their families, at-risk youth, and first responders. Sign-ups begin in November through the bulletin.
St. Colman Neighborhood Meals
Four times a year, St. Angela Merici hosts a free Saturday meal at our Church in the City partner, St. Colman,, located at W. 65th Street and Lorain Avenue in Cleveland. On Saturday afternoon, SAM volunteers set up, serve, and clean up dinner at St. Colman. Other St. Angela parishioners contribute baked goods and raffle prizes. The meals, funded by SAM and prepared by parishioners who are food professionals, are often themed around holidays or seasons. Themed raffle prizes are also awarded to dinner attendees.
St. Angela also helps to keep St. Colman's "take-a-book" library well-stocked with donated books, and magazines, especially children's books.
Please contact Judy at or (440) 779-5115 if you would like to get involved by serving on Saturday, providing baked goods, books, or raffle prizes.
Lenten Soup Supper
In the spirit of Lenten sacrifice, the Social Justice Commission hosts a soup supper during Lent. All are invited to share a simple meal of soup, salad, and bread, and to hear speaker. Attending this meal is a great opportunity to be reminded of our common journey throughout the Lenten Season.
Giving Tree
Shortly before the start of the Advent Season, the SAM Ladies Group sets up giving trees in each of the church's three vestibules. The trees contain paper ornaments asking for donations for local agencies and persons in need. The Ladies Group partners with SJC to recruit volunteers to call local organizations, trace and cut out ornaments, decorate the trees, then sort and deliver the donated gifts.
“ “I believe that, yes, the times talk to us of so much poverty in the world and this is a scandal. Poverty in the world is a scandal. In a world where there is so much wealth, so many resources to feed everyone, it is unfathomable that there are so many hungry children, that there are so many children without an education, so many poor persons. Poverty today is a cry. We all have to think if we can become a little poorer, all of us have to do this. How can I become a little poorer in order to be more like Jesus, who was the poor Teacher?”
— Pope Francis
“If you want peace, work for justice.”