What's Happening Now

The CYO Winter Sports Season is here!!

Good luck to our Bruins who being post season pay this weekend:

Please make sure you double check the CYO schedule located at this link for any last minute changes.


Sports Sign-ups

2025 Spring Sports registration is now open. Deadline is February 15th. Register here. https://reg.sportspilot.com/106283

2025 Fall Sports Registration will open in early late April / Early May

2025-2026 Winter Sports registration will open early September.

When registration is open, please use this link: https://reg.sportspilot.com/106283

Any questions, please contact SAM Sports Boosters at sportsboosters@samparish.org.

Follow SAM Sports Boosters on Social Media

FACEBOOK at @St. Angela Merici Sports Boosters

INSTAGRAM at @sambruins_sportsboosters

X (Twitter) at @stangelasports.

Calling All Coaches

We are looking for coaches in all grades (1-8) for both boys and girls. We will review all of the information provided and select the coaches. All head coaches and assistant coaches MUST be VIRTUS trained prior to the first practice AND complete the Coaches Development Program (CDP) prior to the first game. 

Send the information listed below via e-mail to sportsboosters@samparish.org:

  • Type of Coach: Head Coach, Assistant Coach, or Both

  • Desired grade to coach: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8

  • Gender: Boys, Girls, or Both

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Relevant coaching experience

  • Relevant playing experience

  • Explain why you would want to coach

  • Are you VIRTUS trained? Yes or no

  • Are you CYO Coaches Development Program (CDP) trained? Yes or no

Please direct any questions to sportsboosters@samparish.org. We look forward to hearing from you!

Important Dates

  • December 7 & 8: Basketball Games

  • December 14 & 15: Basketball Games

  • December 20, 21, & 22: Basketball Games

  • January 4 & 5: Basketball Games

  • January 11 & 12: Basketball Games

  • January 18 & 19: Basketball Games

  • January 25 & 26: Basketball Games

  • February 1: A Night At The Races

Sports Booster's Goal

To create a positive environment for the youth of St. Angela Merici parish to participate in sports in order to learn the importance of teamwork, hard work, discipline, sportsmanship and demonstrating Christian values in all aspects of one’s life.

Sports Booster's Purpose

To organize, promote, govern and finance an athletic program for the youth of St. Angela Merici Parish.

Programs Offered

Contact Information

2024-2025 Sports Booster Executive Committee

All Sports Booster Executive Committee Members may be reached at sportsboosters@samparish.org.

Our Current Board Members

Parish Athletic Director: Trevor McAleer - (330) 307-3755

President: Trevor McAleer - (330) 307-3755

Treasurer: Kevin Murphy

Secretary: Brigid Chambers - (440) 897-0732

Sports Athletic Director: John Coughlin

Our Current Commissioners

Volleyball: Paige Arutyunov

Cross Country: Sarah McAleer

Football: Billy Edwards

Boys Basketball: Pat Olson

Girls Basketball: Joseph Simari

Track and Field: Amy O’Linn



SAM Sports Boosters usually meets the second Monday of each month. The meetings start at 7:00 p.m. and are held in the Social Hall East meeting room, unless otherwise posted. Please feel free to attend the meetings if you want to volunteer, have an idea, or just want to hear what is going on. If there is a topic you wish to discuss at the meeting, we ask that you email the Sports Boosters President one week before the meeting.

The remaining meetings for 2025 are as follows:

2025: January 13 | February 10 | Marcy 10 | April 14 | May 12 | June 9 | July 14 | August 11 | September 8 | October 13 | November 10 | December 8 |


The Pre-Participation form (physical form) for CYO must be completed and loaded into Sports Pilot. A link to the form is below.

CYO Cleveland

The following link will direct you to the Cleveland CYO website:


This website has pertinent information for all CYO sports, including game/meet rules, starting times, directions to game/meet sites, as well as other resources for parents, coaches and athletes. We recommend that all parents take time to educate themselves with the variety of information available on this website.