Youth of St. Angela (YOSA)
YOSA is a comprehensive Youth Ministry program for all high school teens. Designed by teens for teens, YOSA allows young adults to stay connected to their faith, their parish and their friends. Activities include a variety of opportunities to live their faith through social, service and spiritual events.
YOSA meets every first and third Sunday in St. Angela's social hall following the 5:30 p.m. Mass.
YOSA members serving a meal at West Side Catholic Center.
Souper Bowl of Caring service putting together care packages for our friends at West Side Catholic Center.
YOSA Immersion 2021…our YOSA Co-Presidents, Emily Fitzpatrick & Michael Costello, senior leaders Molly Proctor & Macy Roddy.
When is YOSA?
YOSA meetings are held on the first and third Sundays of each month, September to May, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. in the Social Hall.
Who can come to YOSA meetings?
All High School teenagers are invited to come and bring a friend to YOSA regardless of their parish or high school.
We ask for a $1 donation for pizza
What is YOSA’s Motto?
Our motto is "Faith, Friendship & Fun!"
What type of service opportunities are available through YOSA?
YOSA provides a wide range of service activities throughout the year including our Souper Bowl of Caring, Cleveland Immersion, West Side Catholic Center, Cleveland Food Bank, and many more! Join us for a meeting and see what YOSA can provide in ways of friendship and service to others.
YOSA members after our annual Cleveland Immersion, summer 2021.
YOSA provided service to various organizations around downtown Cleveland, Front Steps, West Side Catholic Center, St. Herman’s & St. Malachi’s
How can I get involved with YOSA?
The best way to get involved with YOSA is to come to a meeting and see what it's all about.
Teens can be involved in the 5:30 p.m. Sunday Mass as Lectors (Readers) and Eucharistic Ministers.
Some members of YOSA serve on the Leadership Team, which helps to plan events including:
Social events like our annual Autumn flag football game, "Road Rally" scavenger hunt, Block Party, Game Nights, Summer Picnics, Open Gyms and much more!
Follow us on Instagram at yosa.samfam
For more information about YOSA, contact Maureen Adler, Youth Minister at (440) 333-2133, ext. 108.