C Stanly) — St. Angela Merici

Ms. Ceste Stanly

missstanly@samschool.net ~ (440) 333-2126

What do you love about SAM

I love that everyone is so encouraging!








About Me

Hi, my name is Ms. Ceste Stanly and I am the Music teacher here at St. Angela Merici.

I grew up in Washington D.C. with my parents and one sister. My parents are both retired military band professional musicians and my sister plays the piano for her church choir and is a counselor.

For elementary school I attended Word Of Life Academy and I graduated from Fairfax Baptist Temple Academy.

I love swing dancing, cross stitching and old movies with Fred Astaire, Audrey Hepburn and Frank Sinatra.

My Education

I attended Bryan College where I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Music Education , and I received my Masters in Music Education with a Kodaly emphasis from James Madison University.

 My Favorites

Food: Coconut Date Rolls
Movie: Roman Holiday
Lifetime Guarantee
Subject: Choir
Hobby: Swing Dancing
Sport Team: Green Bay Packers
Flower: Morning Glories
Dessert: Cherry Lara Bars