Mary, Queen of the Rosary
There was an extensive promotion of the rosary as a devotion in the 16th century. One reason for the popularity of the rosary was that it provided a prayer for the laity in which they could directly participate, for, at that time, the celebration of the Mass did not involve the shared participation of the congregation.
The month pf October is dedicated to the Blessed Mother because of the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, which was established for celebration on October 7th.
The Legion of Mary was founded in 1921 by Frank Duff in Dublin, Ireland, and by 1964 it had more than one million active members. In 1942, Pope Pius XII consecrated the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. On August 15, 1950 he officially defined the dogma of the Assumption. Three years later he announced the Marian year and established the Queenship of Mary to be celebrated on May 31st.
In this window, Mary is imaged with the rosary and holding the Infant Jesus, to symbolize her Motherhood of Christ. The window was donated by the parish Rosary and Altar Society.