S Bobko — St. Angela Merici

Mrs. Sarah Bobko

mrsbobko@samschool.net ~ (440) 333-2126


 My Favorites

Food: Chipotle             Movie: Remember the Titans            Book: Any book by Mo Willems            Subject: Reading            Season: Fall            Hobby: Reading Sport Team: Cleveland Cavaliers            Flower: Hydrangeas Dessert: Snickers cheesecake Saint: St. Teresa of Calcutta





About Me

Hi, my name is Sarah Bobko and I am a 3rd grade teacher here at St. Angela Merici Parish School. 

I grew up in Fairview Park, Ohio and went to St. Angela Merici. I also attended Fairview High School. 

My husband and I have 4 children who all attend St. Angela’s. I traveled to Europe when I was 11 to visit an aunt and I got my love of reading from my mom who is Mrs. Schaefer from Fairview Park Library.

I have been teaching since 2006.

My Education

I attended the University of Mount Union and earned my Early Childhood  Education (Pre-k-3) and my Master’s in Reading & Math (K-5) from Walden University.

What do you love about SAM

I love the positive atmosphere and sense of community. I think it speaks volumes how many SAM alumni have chose to return “home” to be active members of the St. Angela community and send their children to our wonderful school!

At SAM I lead PAWs (our 3rd grade service group). I coach Girls on the Run and I am our STREAM moderator and our Ski Club moderator.