Are you engaged and planning a wedding? Are you also planning for the sacrament of marriage? Engaged couples are invited to join married couples of all ages from our parish who share their insights into married life and help you plan for all of the days that come after the wedding day.
Please call Erin & Steve Hout at (440) 241-4087, or email for more information.
Retreat Resources
Preparing for and sustaining the vocation of marriage goes on well after the Pre-Cana experience. The following resources have been collected by the members of the Pre-Cana Retreat team for use in your ongoing preparation.
Useful Websites For Developing and Sustaining Marriage and family
Marriage and Family Ministry - Catholic Charities
The Marriage and Family Ministry supports a vision of family ministry that reflects the teachings of the Catholic Church, while understanding of the constantly changing needs of the family. From information for engaged couples to natural family planning and step-parenting, this site has a full range of resources for couples.
Focus on the Family
Focus on the Family is a global Christian ministry dedicated to helping couples to build healthy marriages that reflect God's design, and for parents to raise their children according to morals and values grounded in biblical principles. Along with Marriage, Parenting and Faith, this site also hosts resource topics such as Life Challenges and Social Issues.