Saint Angela Merici School attains STEAM Designation through the state of Ohio

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What Is STEAM?

STEAM teaching and learning strategies integrate the world of sciences, technology, the engineering design process, the arts, and mathematics in an innovative way. At the core of STEAM teaching and learning comes our 4Cs for 21st Century Learning: Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, and Critical thinking.

The Ohio Department of Education’s Quality Model of STEM and STEAM Schools lists 12 integral tenets within 3 domains:

Domain I~ A Culture of Learning – Beliefs and Dispositions, Equity and Access. STEM and STEAM Schools exhibit:

1. Cultural strategies that reflect innovation, an entrepreneurial spirit, inquiry, and collaboration with individual accountability

2. An inclusive mission that supports ALL students

3. Opportunities for personalized learning

4. Flexible and autonomous leadership that communicates a shared vision, and that supports innovative instruction

Domain II.~Learning and Teaching. STEM and STEAM Schools exhibit:

5. Learning that prepares ALL students for college and careers in STEM, and that preserves disciplinary and interdisciplinary integrity

6. Authentic, problem-based learning and design thinking

7. An integrated, innovative curriculum

8. Dynamic assessment systems that include authentic, performance-based assessments

9. A well-prepared teaching staff, with ongoing and personalized professional learning

Domain III.~ Pathways to Success in Careers. STEM and STEAM Schools exhibit:

10. Curricular connections with business and industry, providing opportunities and access for success in college and career

11. STEM-rich formal and informal experiences with the community that are personally relevant to the student

12. Collaborative partnerships with business, industry, arts, and higher education that provide and enhance opportunities for practical and real-world experience

What does STEAM look like at SAM School?

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Domain I:

1. Project Based learning experiences integrated across content areas with inquiry and collaboration at the forefront

2. Inclusive cooperative and heterogeneous groups, with focus on student strengths

3. Differentiated teaching and learning opportunities within the area of STEAM, including data based delivery of instruction

4. A Leadership Team that supports and fosters teacher training and professional development, leading to instruction delivery that is STEAM based


Domain II:

5. Inclusive teaching environments focused on STEAM careers with the assistance of our STEAM professionals in our community and neighboring partnerships

6. Use of the Engineering design model to assist in visiting, reflecting upon, and revising projects based on lessons learned in the process

7. Integration across core curriculum, our faith formation, and specials area curriculum to create environment for our STEAM approach to flourish

8. Performance based and student reflective assessments based on rubrics and key components found in STEAM teaching and learning

9. Continual professional development opportunities within the realm of STEAM, project based and 21st Century teaching and learning


Domain III:

10. Continued partnerships with neighboring businesses, parent experts, engineers, and STEAM fields of work in order to stretch student thinking for future careers in the STEAM world

11. STEAM interactive nights, pulling in the assistance of parent experts, business and higher education partnerships, and continued support of local vendors

12. In School and outreach based collaboration with partners, including, but not limited to field trips, interactive performances in the arts, humanities, and sciences