Upper School Academics — St. Angela Merici

Upper School Academics

St. Angela Merici School’s primary emphasis is the spiritual education and development of each student. A strong, well-rounded curriculum, which is fundamentally based in the teaching of Catholic faith, serves as the foundation of the academic program. The administration and faculty have designed an environment emphasizing spiritual development as well as academic excellence.

Academic Excellence

In addition to providing our students with an outstanding Catholic educational experience, our students excel academically as seen by our excellent standardized testing results. The demanding and diverse education received by St. Angela Merici students prepares them to successfully meet future academic challenges and build upon a strong faith foundation.

Parents are encouraged to stay active in their child's educational development by following the grade level Curriculum Checklists.

Core Curriculum

  • Religion: K-8 students build connections to our Roman Catholic Church and its teaching.  Students play a part in the Church’s social justice teachings and the acts of service throughout all grades.  They learn Church history, liturgy, focus on Sacraments, prayer and worship and learn the importance of personal decision making with respect to morality and ethics at each grade level.
  • English/Language Arts (which includes spelling/vocabulary and handwriting):
     K-8 students use and develop knowledge of language and all of its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.  All students learn to determine or clarify meaning of unknown words, and practice foundational skills of ‘learning to read (K-2)’ and ‘reading to learn (2-8)’ across all content areas.  Students also build the reading/writing connection through mastery of genres of writing and reading.
  • Reading: K-8 students explore literature and informational text in a variety of ways.  Students examine key ideas and details, story elements, and craft and structure of written pieces.  All students practice making connections and integrating knowledge of ideas within his/her developmental levels.  Finally, students vary in range of reading and level of text complexity based on individual/grade level norms. 
  • Mathematics: K-8 students use and develop a sense for numbers and operations, including estimation and probability.  All students utilize algebraic equations and functions of algebra when solving single and multi-step mathematical word and number problems.  Students  make and test theories about characteristics and properties of Geometric figures and theories and practice and analyze measurement systems, data, and statistics at his/her developmental levels. 


  • Social Studies: K-8 students explore community, local, state, national and world history at each respective grade level.  Students  explore geography, building on the foundation of our place in the world around us.  Finally, students explore the different levels and roles of government, as well as economics concepts with respect to business, in general.
  • Science and Health: K-8 students explore the Scientific Process and Scientific Inquiry through a wide variety of hands-on learning experiences.  During science activities, students learn to utilize scientific tools and safety procedures to remain safe.  Students delve into the areas of STEM teaching and learning, Earth and Space Science, Life Science, and Physical Science at their respective grade levels.


Special Subjects and Electives

Our students also receive regular instruction in the following special subjects as part of our academic program and curriculum:

  • Music
  • Visual Arts
  • Technology
  • World Languages
  • Library/Media
  • Physical Education

Visit our Fine Arts Model page to learn more.

Optional enriching co-curricular electives include:

  • Instrumental Music (grades 4 – 8)
  • Latin Enrichment (grades 5 – 8)

21st Century Learning: Technology Integration

In today's digital age, students must possess technological literacy to be prepared for the 21st century. St. Angela Merici School has a wide range of state-of-the-art technological resources to enhance teaching and student learning. Our technology program includes:

  • Mac Technology Lab boasts over 30 desktop iMacs for use during technology class. In addition, teachers may sign-out the technology class for their students to do research or other learning activities.
  • iPads are utilized daily by our Lower School (K-4) students for enhanced learning experiences.
  • Chromebooks are given to all incoming 6th grade students, allowing Upper School students to be immersed in the Google Education platform through one-to-one Chromebook usage.
  • ActivBoards (interactive panels) are in each classroom.
  • TI-Nspire graphing calculators are used in our middle school pre-algebra and algebra coursework.
  • Broadcast Studio allows our student production team to broadcast both audio and video for morning announcements.
  • Online Interactive Textbooks are available for students use at home.
  • Gradelink is provide to parents and students for online grades and assignments.

* As required by law, St. Angela Merici maintains a firewall and adheres to content filtering criteria that meets all CIPA (Children's Internet Protection Act) requirements.

Literacy and Reading Enhancement Programs

Reading skills and the enjoyment of reading is critical for development of a lifelong learner. To promote literacy skills and enjoyment, St. Angela students participate in several programs to engage the developing reader.

  • Book Buddies - Our emerging first grade readers partner with our preschoolers during the second semester. This partnership allows our first graders to build confidence in reading while providing positive peer modeling of reading to the preschoolers.
  • Mystery Readers/Parent Guest Readers - Our kindergarten through third grade students have a fun opportunity for guest readers from our school families to share their love of reading by being guest readers in the classroom.
  • Summer Reading - Our Summer Reading Program provides students the opportunity to practice reading skills over the summer. Students are assigned a book list for their grade level to assist in the selection of age appropriate books.

Services for Exceptional Students

Each child is created in the image of God and has been blessed with many gifts and talents in his or her own unique way. One of our roles as Catholic educators is to meet the unique learning needs of each child in order to achieve their academic potential. With the uniqueness of each child in mind, St. Angela Merici Parish School provides services for our exceptional students.

  • Gifted Program - St. Angela’s Gifted Program provides our students with exceptional academic gifts with services to meet their needs. Gifted children learn differently because they have the ability to absorb abstract concepts, organize them more effectively, and apply them more appropriately. These different learning styles are the defining foundation for Project Challenge along with inclusion opportunities for the classroom. Our gifted program is for students who have demonstrated superior cognitive ability (full scale IQ of 128 or higher on the most recent CogAt).
  • Intervention Assistance Team - Our Intervention Assistance Team (IAT) uses Response to Intervention (RtI) in order to assist teachers in meeting the educational needs of students whose classroom performance indicates a potential need for additional assistance or intervention.
  • Special Education (mild) and other Auxiliary Services -- Special Education (mild) and other auxiliary services serve students who qualify for special services such as speech and language, specific learning disabilities (mild) intervention, psychological (guidance and testing) or remedial tutoring.**These services are staffed by Fairview Park City Schools and PSI and are funded by the State of Ohio Auxiliary Services Funding and Federal Funding. The availability of services is determined by the the availability of state and federal funding and the staffing assignments made by Fairview Park City Schools and PSI.

**These services are staffed by Fairview Park City Schools and PSI and are funded by the State of Ohio Auxiliary Services Funding and Federal Funding. The availability of services is determined by the the availability of state and federal funding and the staffing assignments made by Fairview Park City Schools and PSI.